
FlashFXP v5.4.0 build 3970

FlashFXP 是一个功能强大而实用 FXP/FTP 软件,融合其他优秀FTP软件的优点,如像 BpFTP能够缓存文件夹 ,支持多文件夹选择文件;像 CuteFTP 一样支持彩色文字显示,可以比较文件夹;像 LeapFTP 一样的外观界面,甚至设计思路也差相仿佛。支持文件夹(带子文件夹)的文件传送、删除;支持上传、下载及第三方文件续传;可以只传送需要的文件,跳过指定的文件类型;不同文件类型可以自动以不同的显示颜色;可以缓存远端文件夹列表,支持FTP代理及 Socks 3&4;具有避免空闲功能,防止被站点踢出;可以显示或隐藏“隐藏”属性的文件、文件夹;支持每个站点使用被动模式等等。

FlashFXP v5.4.0 build 3970

FlashFXP 可用于:
* 发布和维护你的网站。
* 上传和下载文件,照片,视频,音乐和更多!
* 本地和远程文件传输或备份。
* 共享您的文件与您的朋友和同事使用功能强大的站点管理器。
* 我们强大的传输调度安排和自动化文件传输。


v5.4.0.3956 @ 01/26/2017
• Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.0d/1.0.2k

v5.4.0.3954 @ 11/12/2016
• Updated OpenSSL 1.1.0c
• Tweaked the update/refresh rate of the queue window.
• Changed: When the transfer queue is navigating a folder structure these folders are expanded in the navigation tree pane, now after the queue has completed these expanded folders will automatically collapse.

v5.4.0.3952 @ 11/05/2016
• Fixed: uninitialized default value for “app.browser.delete.recycle” setting, this caused the default value to be randomly on or off.
• Update: Refactor of the SFTP download routine to reduce CPU usage and improve file transfer speed.
• Update: Made adjustments to the SFTP block and packet sizes for downloads.
• Fixed: The local browser file list control would malfunction if the user clicked the refresh button while an inline edit was in progress, The file list control failed to detect that the edit mode was canceled.
• Fixed: (SFTP/download) The local file handle was not closed after a transfer timeout.

v5.4.0.3950 @ 10/28/2016
• Fixed: Added a missing busy state check before performing a remote view/edit; this missing check lead to unexpected results if a view/edit operation was already in progress.
• Change: The “Copy to clipboard > URL (with password)” feature now URL encodes the user-name and password.
• Change: Minor UI display changes in the Site Manager > Stats tab, The content now scales based on font size.
• Change: Minor changes to the file transfer engine that should result in a small increase the file transfer speed (FTP, SFTP, and FTPS).
• Updated SecureBlackBox library.
• Change: Minor UI changes to the Custom command editor dialog.
• Change: When using the Edit and Upload feature, FlashFXP will now detect file changes while a transfer queue is in progress and automatically yield the queue to perform the edit upload.
• Change: The default SSH/SFTP cipher order has changed so that the (faster) AES-GSM now take priority over the (slower) chacha20-poly1305.

v5.4.0 Build 3936:
• Fixed: An issue parsing compressed IPv6 addresses when using the multi-ip address dialog with [IPv6]:port pairs.
• Fixed: An issue that prevented renaming files on the remote server when running FlashFXP under Wine.
• Minor change to the Site Manager, the search bar has been reverted back to the top position to make the work-flow and TAB stops more logical.

官网 http://www.flashfxp.com/

官方下载(5.4.0 build 3970)

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